Do the Work, by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield is a curious blend of talent, encourager, butt kicker, and philosopher. His book The War of Art won rave reviews for the insights about overcoming our worst habits. Then he came out with this shorter book that focused more specifically on overcoming our inner demons so we can be productive.  Do the Work is much the same as War but in a shorter, more direct form.  That should be a good thing, right?

It’s an okay little book, but I’m not sure I’d recommended it. Perhaps I would to a person who is not a reader — this shorter version is ideal for people who can’t stand to read longer books. But there’s something lacking in this one that the longer The War of Art seems to capture.

That said, my criticism of Art was that Pressfield got tangled up in a lot of self help spiritual life mumbo jumbo garbage. This shorter book avoids most of that. Thank God.