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Apocryphal, Belize, Random Thoughts,

Burning Bibles & Qurans

Below is a post that came from an article I wrote over 15-years ago. It has a dated feel to it, but it’s relevant today due to the idiots in Florida who want to burn the Quran.

The whole thing in Florida is so clearly a publicity ploy.  It has zero relevance to any political or theological statement, zero relevance to the state of affairs with Muslim countries, zero relevance with any discussion between Christianity and Islam, zero relevance with any geo-political perspective, and zero relevance with any cultural awareness.  It’s just a publicity stunt for a pastor who is …

Apocryphal, Belize,

Book Burning

Reposting this by popular demand. Okay, so by demand of one person. Still, I take any kudos I can get.

This is ridiculously long to post on a blog, and it has a dated feel to it, but it’s just too good not to bring up again. I found it on my computer in a long lost file. This was printed in the early 90’s when Target Earth was in rapid expansion mode. It rattled a lot of cages when it was published!


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