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Workplace Ministry

Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, Leadership, Random Thoughts,

The Morning Welcome

Each morning when I arrive at work I say hello to the folks who sweep the streets, maintain the landscaping, pick up the garbage, and touch up paint on the curbs. They do the overlooked but crucial jobs, allowing the rest of us the luxury of focusing on our jobs. 

My office is on the second floor of a shopping center. The retail businesses are on ground level, offering such things as health foods, jewelry repair, cooking utensils, and pizza by the slice. Most of them open about 10 AM. 

Typically I arrive at my office around 8 AM. So …

Apocryphal, Emerging Ministries, Random Thoughts,

Church Fatigue

Okay, so I’m in a grumpy mood and need to be curmudgeon for a bit. Sorry, but this entry focuses on a pet peeve of mine.

It came to mind when I had an interesting conversation with a friend.  He will remain nameless because he’s smart enough not to draw attention to himself.

The conversation was about fatigue with the Church. But we were having a hard time defining exactly what it is we are tired of.  It took us some time to figure it out.  We aren’t tired of what we’re doing in the Church or in our personal …