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Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Love or Temptation?

I recently attended a conference with a lot of young, driven, smart, faith-driven entrepreneurs. From time to time, someone in this group asks me how they can best make a difference in this world. They usually have a great job, but they don’t feel like they are really contributing to the world. In their minds, their faith isn’t being fully expressed through their work. At the core of their question is something more specific: they wonder if they should quit their jobs, move to a developing region of the world, and serve the poor. 

I’ll be honest – sometimes I …

Book Reviews, Generosity, Leadership,

Wealth, Temptation, and Job

This story of Job has always fascinated and often confused me. It’s fascinating because it’s impressively rich in wisdom about why God allows evil in the world. It’s confusing because the logic in the dialogue is sometimes hard to follow — are you arguing for God’s goodness or not, Job? It’s also confusing because his buddies offer insane advice followed by what seems like sound advice. 

But then that’s life, isn’t it? Life is … well, it’s messy, to use a word often found here at Junkyard Wisdom. And the story of Job is certainly messy. 

As one who writes …