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Celtic Daily Prayer

Generosity, Random Thoughts,

To Be Thankful

A prayer for Thanksgiving:

Bless, O Lord,
this food we are about to eat;
and we pray you, O God,
that it may be good
for our body and soul;
and, if there is any poor creature
hungry or thirsty walking the road,
may God send them in to us
so that we can share the food with them,
just as Christ shares His gifts
with all of us.

Found in the devotional book Celtic Daily Prayer.

Random Thoughts,

A Prayer For Christmas Preparations

In the midst of all the noise this season, we need a respite. A moment to stop, reflect, and pray. We need an interlude to prepare our heart, mind, and soul for the amazing. This short prayer, beautiful in its simplicity, can be a touchstone for us as we prepare ourselves for Christmas.

Lord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness,
send Your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear Your voice each day.
We who are anxious over many things look forward to Your coming

Random Thoughts,

Signs of Hope

For years I’ve espoused the excellence of the devotional book Celtic Daily Prayer. This was the daily reading for May 11th:

How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a land that we feel is still strange to us?

Part of our task is to recognize signs of hope, outcrops of the Kingdom, to recognize works of the Spirit even where God’s Name is not named.

We can waste so much energy assuming everyone is against us, and in reacting defensively. Whoever is not against us is for us. This may be the time to form spontaneous coalitions between

Random Thoughts,

Traditional Thanksgiving Prayer

A prayer for your Thanksgiving Day ….

Bless, O Lord,Celtic Cross Fall Colors
this food we are about to eat;
and we pray you, O God,
that it may be good
for our body and soul;
and, if there is any poor creature
hungry or thirsty walking the road,
may God send them in to us
so that we can share the food with them,
just as Christ shares His gifts
with all of us.

Graces, from Celtic Daily Prayer

Random Thoughts,

He Is Risen!

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Today is truly a glorious day! The dread of Friday is past, the silence of Saturday is shattered with amazing news. The hopes of Palm Sunday are restored, but made anew and entirely pure. Now is a time to celebrate the Risen Savior!

I’ve posted a reading (poem, prayer, hymn, whatever you’d like for it to be) from Celtic Daily Prayer. This devotional and prayer handbook seems to go everywhere with me these days. I hope you enjoy it and have a joyous Easter of celebration and worship.

Where is

Book Reviews,

Favorite Books of 2010

I have read about 90 books in 2010 (here’s the complete list). That might be my personal record. Taking October off contributed to the total because I had so much time to read!

Deciding on my favorite is difficult because it is hard to compare a novel with, say, a biography. So here are a few categories — completely made up from my imagination — that helped me sort them.

The “This book should be considered by the Pulitzer Prize people” Category: The Hawk & the Dove, by Nicholas Thompson. A brilliant book that explores the …