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Business Advice

Goble Properties, Junkyard Management,

Ignore the Naysayers

Some of the best business advice I’ve been given is, “Ignore the naysayers.” The naysayers are the folks who are ALWAYS negative.

Most of us have an internal pendulum of confidence and fear. Our fear dreads failure, is unsure of the future, and hates risk. When naysayers talk, our fear is inflamed.

Naysayers point out the reasons to not make a business decision, and fear makes the reasons seem foreboding: the timing isn’t right, tough times ahead, not enough information, too risky, it won’t work, you can’t afford it.

Sometimes those warnings are reasonable and even accurate. There’s nothing wrong …

Goble Properties,

Bill Murray and Business Advice

It never ceases to amaze me how much bad business advice exists and even thrives. On a recent flight I opened a copy of the airline magazine and came across this article about Bill Murray and marriage advice. The gist of the story is that if you can survive an around the world trip with a person, then you should marry that person because you are obvious compatible. It’s a cute story.

But at the end of the article the author draws out a business lesson. He writes, “…before working with someone, before employing someone, before going ahead with that …