Belize, PathLight,

Joseline, Quincy, Abel and Ashjonae

One of the best parts about this time of year is the new PathLight students are chosen. These are boys and girls who recently completed what we in the States would call Eighth Grade. Now they are ready to make the big step to High School, and PathLight has admitted

The SOLD Project,

My Daughter the Hero

This is exciting news and one that needs to be shared: Ember Arts, an online jewelry retailer, has chosen my daughter Rachel as their hero of the month for July! Ember has committed to giving 50% of the months proceeds to support Rachel’s work of keeping children out of

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #3

“When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Hardly the uplifting or encouraging words you might expect from a book that influenced my life. But Dietrich Boenhoeffer didn’t pull any punches when he wrote The Cost of Discipleship, nor did he live a life that compromised his

Random Thoughts,

Finishing the Challenge

It begins with, “In the beginning, God…” It concludes with, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” And in between is a whole lot. It’s the Bible, and it’s really long. Sixty six books — or at least letters — and over 1000 pages even without the

Junkyard Management, Random Thoughts,

Best Looking Cars Ever?

A blog titled Junkyard Wisdom should post something about cars every now and then, don’t you think? I came across this article from Popular Mechanics and found it amusing. It’s a list of the top 100 hottest looking cars of all time. A good way to waste a few minutes

Belize, PathLight,

PathLight Graduation

“Schools are the fabric of our culture,” said my friend Chris as he made announcements in church. Indeed they are, I thought, as memories of the past week went through my mind. June is graduation season. We often take that for granted in a country where education is commonplace. But

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #4

C.S. Lewis is one of my all time favorite authors. This list of 25 books that influenced my life could probably include several of his writings, but that would be unimaginative.  So I have chosen just one to include here as a placeholder for several others. Of all the Lewis

Belize, PathLight,

Lightning Quick

I love fast paced trips. It’s fun to pack things into a short period of time and then just run on adrenaline. That’s an odd thing for this introvert to admit, but it’s true. And perhaps my introverted ways are exactly why I love the whirlwind — there’s no time