Belize, PathLight,

Buy a Backpack!

Every year about this time, students and their parents go on “back to school” shopping trips.  I remember the days when my two kids would get so excited at the prospect of new clothes, shiny binders, and the latest (and coolest) backpack.  The start of school is exciting for students

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #2

If you know me well and looked through my 25 most influential books, it would be fairly obvious which author is missing from the list. J.R.R. Tolkien. I was in junior high school when somebody gave me a paperback edition of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. It was my freshman

Apocryphal, Belize, PathLight,


The past week has been a thoughtful one for me. If you look at my calendar you’ll wonder how I could ever find the time for reflection! The combination of travel and hosting guests has been hectic. But I spent time with some fascinating people who inspired me, challenged me,

Goble Properties,

The Goble Properties Why

Goble Properties is doing more with it’s website these days, and a recent post on the blog was fun to write. Thought I’d share it here. If you are interested in getting Goble Properties updates, just drop me a note or comment here and I’ll get your email added to

Family, Wine Reviews,

Tofanelli and Texans

Last week I wrote about taking the Texans to Caymus. Today it’s about taking them to Tofanelli Vineyards, or more specifically to Up Valley Vintners tasting room where Vince Tofanelli serves his incredible array of red wines. If you read this blog or have had dinner in our home, you

The SOLD Project,

Travel With Us

Please take a minute to watch this beautiful piece: I promise you’ll be inspired. “Travel With Us” is a visual poem told through a compilation of documentary footage captured in urban and rural Thailand by The SOLD Project team in order to raise awareness for their work to prevent child

Book Reviews,

God is Red

Other than my top 25 list of books, most of my book reviews are on a separate page of this blog because readers would be overwhelmed getting updates all the time. And it would turn this blog into a book review venue instead of the wide range of topics that