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Junkyard Wisdom Book

Junkyard Wisdom Book,

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What’s the catch?

Well, there really isn’t one. Look, obviously I don’t want you unsubscribing after you get the book. Sheesh, don’t be THAT guy! But other than …

Junkyard Wisdom Book, So you think you're a writer?,

Want a free book???

Want a free book, specifically a copy of Junkyard Wisdom???

Just sign up for email updates. That’s it. Simple.

Put your email address in the form below, I’ll be notified you did so, then I’ll contact you via email for a mailing address, and send you a free copy of Junkyard Wisdom. Plus, you’ll start getting weekly email updates about posts on this blog. No more than weekly, I promise.

What’s the catch?

Well, there really isn’t one. Look, obviously I don’t want you unsubscribing after you get the book. Sheesh, don’t be THAT guy! But other than …

Junkyard Wisdom Book, So you think you're a writer?,

Salvaged Book Update!

There has been a lot of activity on Salvaged, my second book! Here are a few updates — plus a way to get a free copy of my first book Junkyard Wisdom.

For this second book, we’ve settled on the title Salvaged: Leadership Lessons Pulled From The Junkyard. There will be 30ish chapters focused on a leadership experience I’ve had, the lesson learned, and an example from Scripture. With any luck, I’ll make you laugh a little as you read the stories.

A draft was submitted last November, with feedback from the editor in January, and a …

Belize, Jaguar Creek, Junkyard Wisdom Book,

Transition, Purpose, and Laughter

When two dozen people go to the Belize rainforest to discuss wealth and justice, while also spending their evenings talking about seemingly insolvable issues like Middle East peace or child exploitation, it’s either going to be an amazing experience or an absolute explosion of entrenched opinions and logistical challenges.

Thankfully, no doubt in large part because of your prayer, it was an amazing experience.

The second annual Junkyard Wisdom Belize went off without any logistical challenges, thank God.


More importantly, the people who came had a wide range of opinions and perspectives, but a shared love for God …

Belize, Jaguar Creek, Junkyard Wisdom Book, PathLight,

Wealth, Wisdom, and Howler Monkeys

Wealth, wisdom, and howler monkeys? Well yes, actually, they do go together.

A year ago D’Aun and I, along with Ken and Tamara Wytsma, hosted an event called Junkyard Wisdom Belize. Two dozen folks joined us for 5-days of discussion, adventure, prayer, and going deep into the themes of my book. We did this at the amazing Jaguar Creek, where howler monkeys regularly wake people in the morning.

So yeah, they all do go together!

As you read this we are probably on our way to Belize to host the second annual event. We will again spend …

Junkyard Wisdom Book, So you think you're a writer?,

One Year Ago Today Junkyard Wisdom Was Released!

One year ago today my first book Junkyard Wisdom was released! It’s hard to believe a year has gone by already. As a first time author, each experience has been so memorable. The first book signing, the launch parties, the speaking opportunities, and the generous comments from readers have all been deeply meaningful.

Thank you for making it happen. The support of friends and family was at the core of any success Junkyard Wisdom has experienced. Just think about it: the writing began without a publisher, the publishing began without a marketing plan, and the marketing began without, well, without …

Junkyard Wisdom Book, Random Thoughts,

Firecrackers Junkyard Style

We needed a funny way to liven up a boring evening, and firecrackers seemed like a great idea. Steve and I shared an apartment with two other guys, Ron and Ford. They often went to sleep early — way too early for college students. So it was time to jazz things up a bit.

I held the firecrackers. Steve held the match and the doorknob. Once the pack was lit, Steve quickly opened the door. I tossed the pack (yes, a full pack, not just one firecracker) onto the only flat surface visible in the dark room — a desk …

Junkyard Wisdom Book, So you think you're a writer?,

It’s Been How Long???

Hey Friends! Can you believe this? Eight months ago Junkyard Wisdom was released! So I’m offering something FREE if you’ll take the time to help … keep reading.

So what’s happened in the last eight months? Well, I’ve lost track of the interviews, podcasts, blogs, and talks. All great fun, from large to small!

A few highlights would include the book launch party at Old Skool Cafe, the incredible group of people who joined our workshop in Belize, and my talk to a packed room at my alma mater Westmont College. So many memories have been made, from the National …