Until Tuesday, by Luis Carlos Montalvan

The cover of this book shows a big smiling Golden Retriever. As with all Goldens, you can sense the love for life, joy, and pure fun in those big brown eyes. His name is Tuesday, and he’s an assistance dog.

Luis Carlos Montalvan is a veteran of the Iraq War, a decorated military officer, and a wounded warrior. His career seemed unstoppable for a time, but then the wounds caught up with him. Both physical and mental, he was damaged beyond what some might consider repairable. His life was heading into a steep decline during his last years in the military, and it only got worse when he was honorably discharged.

Then he met Tuesday. Together they rebuild a life. They learn to love and trust. They are both, in their own ways, healed.

Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him is not a big smiling happy book like the cover would lead you to believe. This is not another “oh look at my cute dog and all the silly things he does don’t you just love him” kind of book. It’s really a book about pain, wounds, injustice and fear. Montalvan reveals the inner turmoil of the psychological wounds of war. He shares his anger and frustration. It’s a tough book to read at some points.

Through this haze of pain, Montalvan guides us through the process of healing. The book does not end with everything in perfect order; it’s much too realistic for that. But it does end with a sense that healing is happening. Montalvan is healthier. And Tuesday … well, Tuesday is a big lovable Golden with a constant smile on his face. You can’t help but love a dog like that.