Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand

Louis Zamperini is now a hero of mine. Not only did he run in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, not only did he meet Hitler, not only did he serve in the Army Air Corp during World War II, not only did he crash his plane trying to save others, not only did he drift 2000 miles in a life raft, and not only did he suffer unbelievable pain and anguish as a POW of the Japanese … but he found a way to forgive. Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, is an amazing biography of Louis and his life.  Or perhaps I should say it is a biography of an amazing life?  Both are true in this instance.  Hillenbrand is a great writer (well known for Seabiscuit), and when she has a story like Louis’ it all comes together in a fantastic way. A great book that everybody will enjoy.  If you need a last minute Christmas gift idea, this book might be it.