"The Open Secret" by Lesslie Newbigin

This book was originally published in the late 70’s but is still relevant today.  That says a lot about Lesslie Newbigin, who is one of the best thinkers of the last century.  But it also says a lot about how little we’ve learned in the last 30+ years.

The subtitle of the book is “An Introduction to the Theology of Mission.”  Newbigin blends the purpose of church mission with contemporary expressions and ideas.  His insights into a trinitarian framework for mission are groundbreaking, or at least they are to me.  He never strays from what some might call the “evangelical” purpose of missions, while fully embracing the focus on justice in the world.  What surprised me the most about this book is how Newbigin’s phrases and insights (in 1978) are so relevant today.

If you run a ministry of some kind — church, mission, parachurch, whatever — then you’ll find this book helpful.