Stealing the General, by Russell Bonds

Every now and then I come across a book that surprises me. Stealing the General by Russell Bonds is one of those books. It’s just hard not to smile as you read this one.

This true story is set during the early years of the Civil War. A ragtag collection of Union volunteers — almost all of them from Ohio — sneak deep into the Confederacy to steal a train (named The General), take it North along strategic rail lines, and attempt to burn bridges and down telegraph poles as they go. It was an outlandish, daring, crazy plan.

And it almost worked. The men who took on this dare were the first to ever be awarded the Medal of Honor. I don’t want to spoil the fun so won’t say more about the story. But as we celebrate the 150th year of the Civil War, this is a story that will make you smile. Not because of the outcome — which at times is quite disturbing — but because of the adventurous spirit of all involved.

The book is well written, fast paced, balanced, and thoroughly researched. Kudos to Russell Bonds for taking a neglected story that is often incorrectly told and turn it into a fun book that seems more like an adventure novel than history.