Red Moon Rising, by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts

A lot of folks write a book to promote their organization. Sometimes those books are worth reading, sometimes they aren’t. I see a lot of organizations come and go; some achieve their potential, some do not, and it makes no difference how good the book is. Thankfully, the 24-7 Prayer International story is well worth reading. Even better, the organization is doing some great things around the world.

Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig is about the “accidental” beginnings of a great movement, and it’s fascinating. You’d be foolish not to read this book if you have ever thought about launching a new ministry.

I’m always a sucker for stories about successful launches. Whether a business or ministry, I love what has been called “the art of the start.” Red Moon Rising explains how Pete and friends launched a wild idea from Southern England and saw it explode across the world. The book is transparent, humble, inspiring and encouraging all at the same time. This is not a “how to” book; in fact, from a worldly perspective this is a “how not to” book because the launch was entirely led by the Spirit. That’s what makes it a compelling story.

It also has great insights into prayer. Actually, it goes beyond prayer and delves into worship, culture, justice, mission, even evangelism. You can’t read this book without thinking that a lot of elements came together at just the right time and in just the right way. Prayer is central to it all, but it is not the only storyline.

Pete and I met a couple of months ago at a conference. He gave me his book God on Mute and I was very impressed. That’s why I was eager to read Red Moon Rising. The two books are different in style and approach, but that’s to be expected because they have different agendas.

Anyway, this is a solid book that I really enjoyed. If you are fascinated by how organizations are launched when they are infused with God’s vision, this is a must read. And if you think all books written by ministry founders are just puff pieces for their organizations, think again … and pick up a copy of Red Moon Rising.