Makers, by Chris Anderson

I loved this book. It’s not necessarily a must read for every business person, but it is close.

Chris Anderson thinks differently than the rest of us. That’s probably why he’s editor of Wired Magazine. His books are cutting edge, even bleeding edge, and they point to a future that the rest of us do not always see. He’s not always right, but he’s always getting us to think beyond the obvious.

In Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, he paints a picture where large scale manufacturing fades into history. It is replaced by small, artisan style manufacturing systems that utilize new technologies allowing for incredible customization. As desktop publishing changed print media in the 90’s, DIY manufacturing is going to change the industrial landscape in the decades ahead. Think 3-D printers that create everything from cup-holders to space shuttles.

I’m not going to spoil the rest of the book. If you are in business of any kind, read the book. You won’t be disappointed.
