Free, by Chris Anderson

Now here’s a book that will make economic professors act like somebody threw water on their circuit boards. Chris Anderson has written FREE: The Future of a Radical Price and then put it on the market for, well, for free. The point of the book is to show how we’re moving toward an economic system that is built on free stuff. Free music, free internet searches, free online encyclopedias, free books, and of course free blogs like this one.

My old college econ professors will fry their circuit boards because Anderson actually makes a lot of good points. I don’t buy into the whole thing he’s saying, but I do get his main thesis. It’s a groundbreaking book that should change how we all view our value proposition in work, ministry, or anything else.

This is one of those books that probably doesn’t need to be as long as it is, but is still trend setting. Definitely a must read if you want to be thinking about the future of business. And if I ever write a book, it’s definitely going to be distributed for free.