Forgotten God by Francis Chan, with Danae Yankoski

This short book by Francis delves into the mystery of the Holy Spirit.  The subtitle, “Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit”, reflects the authors concern that we are ignoring the Holy Spirit in our spiritual walk.  He makes a great point that we do not refer to God as “the God” or Jesus as “the Jesus”, yet we do say “the Holy Spirit”.  There’s a gap in our relationship that he addresses.

It’s a good book.  I enjoyed it at appreciated the many reminders that I heard.  It’s not a book that covers new territory or creates new insights into the Holy Spirit, so if you have a foundational knowledge of the Spirit, you’ll see this book as a solid summary.  If you are new to all of this Holy Spirit stuff, you’ll learn a lot.

Where Chan is at his best is when, at the end of each chapter, he shares a story about somebody he knows who has been impacted by the Holy Spirit.  He’s one who takes Scripture literally, or at least the parts of Scripture that call us to action.  That heart allows Chan to speak with authority about doing things now, doing things right, and doing things without compromise.  It’s the key to his appeal.  And this book, especially the examples at the end of each chapter, are reflective of that attitude.

My friend Danae Yankoski helped put this book together and has been a big help to Francis Chan as he evolves from speaker to writer.  Way to go, Danae, you are doing great stuff!