The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, by Lesslie Newbigin

Let’s set one thing straight: Lesslie Newbigin is brilliant. And his book The Gospel in a Pluralist Society is a classic look at post-modernism and contemporary society.

But let me also confess a sin: I find his books difficult to get through. I first read this book over a decade ago, and I struggled to finish. So I returned to it thinking maybe it was just me. And it still might just be me … but I still found it a difficult book to finish.

The insights are amazing. The writing is excellent. It’s just the depth of Newbigin’s intellectual capacity that probably throws me off. Shoot, I still read the funnies every morning; how do you expect me to keep up with the brilliance of Newbigin?

So, a great book from a great legend. But simply not enough pictures in it for me. Maybe a revised edition will have a laugh track to keep me going.